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Autism Knowledge Survey (AKS)

Page One

Please provide the following information:
1. To ensure that participants only complete the survey once, we ask that you provide a unique and confidential ID:
4. Gender:
5. What is your role?
6. How many years of experience have you had with autism?
8. For parents/caregivers: What is your child's diagnosis?
This question requires a valid number format.
16. Please answer the following questions on this survey as best you can. Do not spend too much time on any one question. For each of the following statements, circle the number that best reflects how much you AGREE with each statement.
Space Cell Fully AgreeMostly AgreeSomewhat AgreeSomewhat DisagreeMostly DisagreeFully Disagree
Autism is an emotional disorder.
Early intervention can lead to significant gains in children's social and communication skills.
All children with autism display poor eye contact.
Children with autism typically perform better when tasks are presented visually than when tasks are presented verbally.
Problems with social relatedness that are present in autism are different from social problems seen in other psychiatric conditions.
Autism is more frequently diagnosed in males than in females.
Children with autism do not show attachments, even to parents/caregivers.
Research indicates that sensory integration therapy is an effective treatment for autism and its symptoms.
Children with autism are deliberately uncooperative.
Most parents/caregivers of children with autism report their first concerns were related to the child's social behavior.
Autism tends to run in families.
We now have treatments that can cure autism.
Children with autism can grow up to live independently.
There is one approach/program that works for all children with autism.
It is important that all children diagnosed with autism receive some form of special education services at school.
Autism occurs more commonly among higher socioeconomic and educational levels.
Autism can be diagnosed as early as 18 months.
With the proper treatment, most children diagnosed with autism eventually outgrow the disorder.
Children with autism do not show affection.
The need for routines and sameness is one of the earliest behavioral features of autism.