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Financial Anxiety Scale

How true are the following statements?

1. I find monitoring my bank or credit card accounts very boring. *This question is required.
True Slightly True Slightly Untrue False
2. I prefer not to think about the state of my personal finances. *This question is required.
True Slightly True Slightly Untrue False
3. Thinking about my personal finances can make me feel guilty. *This question is required.
True Slightly True Slightly Untrue False
4. There's little point in saving money and being careful with it, because you could lose it all through no fault of your own. *This question is required.
True Slightly True Slightly Untrue False
5. I am worried about the debt I will have when I complete my university education. *This question is required.
True Slightly True Slightly Untrue False
6. Thinking about my personal finances can make me feel anxious. *This question is required.
True Slightly True Slightly Untrue False
7. I get myself into situations where I do not know where I'm going to get the money to "bail" myself out. *This question is required.
True Slightly True Slightly Untrue False
8. Discussing my finances can make my heart race or make me feel stressed. *This question is required.
True Slightly True Slightly Untrue False
9. I do not make a big enough effort to understand my finances. *This question is required.
True Slightly True Slightly Untrue False
10. I do not think I am doing as well as I could academically because I worry about money. *This question is required.
True Slightly True Slightly Untrue False
11. I find opening my bank statements unpleasant. *This question is required.
True Slightly True Slightly Untrue False
12. I would rather someone else who I trusted kept my finances organized. *This question is required.
True Slightly True Slightly Untrue False