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District-Determined Measures

Assessment 1

The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (ESE) is collecting information about high quality assessments used in Massachusetts districts. ESE will use this information to identify sample assessments that districts can use as District-Determined Measures. To do this, survey results will be shared with a vendor who may contact you for additional information about your assessment(s).

This survey asks about your highest quality assessments. We are interested in learning more about both district-developed assessments and those obtained from external sources (e.g., commercial assessments, assessments borrowed from other districts). In this survey, you will be able to submit information on up to five assessments, but you may choose to submit information about only one assessment.

Thank you for taking the time to tell us about your assessment practices. The information you provide here will help ESE identify the most promising assessments of schools and districts.
1. Contact Information: *This question is required.
2. Before sharing information about your district's highest quality assessments, please use the text boxes below to indicate up to three grade/subject combinations for which your district expects to need the most assistance identifying appropriate District-Determined Measures.
Space Cell GradeSubject
6. Use the slider below to indicate how well aligned your assessment is to learning standards. *This question is required.In the comment box below, please indicate to which standards, if any, your assessment is aligned (e.g., standards included in the appropriate MA Curriculum Framework).
Not Aligned to Standards
Well Aligned to Stanards
8. For which grade level(s) is your assessment most appropriate? Check all that apply. *This question is required.
10. Which types of items does your assessment include? Check all that apply. *This question is required.
11. Please use the slider below to indicate the quality of the assessment (e.g., validity, reliability). *This question is required.Use the comment box below to explain how you determined the quality of the assessment.
Highest Quality
Lowest Quality
12. How did your district evaluate the quality of this assessment? Check all that apply.
13. Do you want to provide information about another assessment? *This question is required.Remember, ESE is interested in collecting information about high quality asessments used by MA districts in a wide range of grades/courses and subject.