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EGU General Assembly 2013 Feedback

This year the Survey starts somewhat earlier, with the EGU General Assembly 2013 still fully ongoing, featuring 4,722 oral and 8,383 poster presentations in 520 unique scientific sessions and 157 Poster Summaries & Discussions sessions, along with 165 side events. We started this year a new initiative: PICO, trying to bring together the best from oral and poster sessions in a new concept. The reason for bringing the survey to the meeting is that this will allow you to give feedback when everything is still fresh in your memory and sometimes we might even be able to make changes as the conference is still ongoing. At the conference, scientists from many countries participate, of which more than 25% are students. 15,000 copies of EGU Today will be distributed. We also have a keen media presence and live reporting through webstreaming and the EGU social media. We thank all of you very much for your participation and your active contribution to this great event.

Last year, we had a General Assembly feedback form where we received more than 1500 responses [EGU 2012 results], which were examined carefully and played a large part in shaping improvements for EGU2013.

This year, we again would like to ask you to take 5-15 minutes of time to complete this short questionnaire, as your input is genuinely invaluable in shaping the EGU General Assembly 2014, to be held 27 April to 02 May 2014 in Vienna, Austria.

Please be aware that if you refresh a page it will increase the value of the question numbers. This does not effect the reporting of your answers.

Gert-Jan Reichart (Utrecht University) Chair of the EGU GA 2012 and 2013 Programme Committee

1. What EGU programme groups and/or divisions do you associate most closely with (pick up to three)? *This question is required.
2. What is your gender? *This question is required.
3. What is your age (in years)? *This question is required.
4. Are you a....?
5. What sector does your employer belong to? If you are a student choose the sector your institute belongs to. *This question is required.
7. EGU currently offers two ways of becoming a member: (i) Payment of the appropriate EGU membership fee (EUR 20 for regular, EUR 10 for student/retired, EUR 500 for life). (ii) Complementary membership for those that spend more than EUR 100 on EGU meetings or publications. Are you an EGU member for 2013? *This question is required.
You have stated that you are not an EGU member, why not?
8. Do or did you attend the EGU GA 2013 in Vienna? *This question is required.
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