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Social Media in Supply Chain (SCMR Survey)

Social Networking: The Supply Chain Executive Perspective

This very brief survey is in support of an article Adrian Gonzalez is writing on the role of social networking in supply chain management, which will be published this summer in Supply Chain Management Review.

For the purposes of this survey, PUBLIC social networks include Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and other social networks that are publicly available online and used by both consumers and businesses. In contrast, BUSINESS social networks are business-oriented networks and applications, used by companies, employees, and approved trading partners in a private environment.

All survey responses will remain confidential, and
all respondents will receive a summary report of the results in a few weeks after the data is compiled and analyzed.

Thank you for your time and consideration. If you have any questions, please contact Adrian Gonzalez at

1. Which of the following PUBLIC social networking sites do you have a personal account with? For each site, please indicate if you use it for personal or business reasons or for both. *This question is required.
Space Cell Don't UsePersonalBusinessBoth
Facebook *This question is required
Twitter *This question is required
LinkedIn *This question is required
YouTube *This question is required
Google + *This question is required
Blogger (or other blog tool) *This question is required
Pinterest *This question is required
Other *This question is required
2. Has your company implemented any of the following BUSINESS social networking solutions? If so, which ones do you use? *This question is required.
Space Cell Don't KnowCompany hasn't implementedCompany has implemented, and I use it Company has implemented, but I don't use it
Yammer *This question is required
Microsoft Sharepoint *This question is required
Salesforce Chatter *This question is required
Jive *This question is required
Moxie Software *This question is required
Other *This question is required
3. At its most basic level, social networking is a collection of communication and collaboration tools and capabilities, including the ones listed below. For each of the BUSINESS social networking capabilities below, RATE its potential value to improve supply chain and logistics processes, using a scale from 1 to 5, with '1' being "Minimal Value" and '5' being "Significant Value." *This question is required.
Space Cell 1 Minimal Value2345 Significant Value
Document sharing and collaboration *This question is required
Post/share pictures, videos, and other multi-media *This question is required
Discussion forums to discuss business-related questions and topics with colleagues and external business partners *This question is required
Ability to connect (like LinkedIn) with business colleagues and external contacts *This question is required
Create peer or special interest groups
Ability to write and post a review of a supplier, customer, or other business partner *This question is required
Ability to rate or "Like" a supplier, customer, or other business partner *This question is required
Send short (Twitter-like) messages to business colleagues and external partners *This question is required
Video chat *This question is required
Search for new suppliers using various filters *This question is required
Search for new customers using various filters *This question is required
4. Which statement best describes your current opinion about what social networking's role and impact will be over the next five years in supply chain management, particularly in functions other than marketing and branding? *This question is required.
5. In five years, and relative to today, social networking will have had the greatest impact in facilitating communication and collaboration between (or within) your company and which group? Please RANK IN ORDER, with '1' being the "Greatest Impact" and '5" being the "Least Impact." *This question is required. Note: for the following table each column is restricted to a single answer across all rows.
6. What are the biggest obstacles to achieving greater adoption of social networking tools in supply chain management? RATE each factor on a scale from 1 to 5, with '1' being a "minor obstacle" and '5' being a "major obstacle." *This question is required.
Space Cell 1 (Minor)2345 (Major)
Lack of upper management support *This question is required
Lack of policies and governance structure *This question is required
External partners not ready/willing to use social media *This question is required
Unclear business case or value *This question is required
Current systems not a good fit for business use *This question is required
Many employees inexperienced using social media (need to train) *This question is required
Change management issues (resistance to change) *This question is required
Other *This question is required
7. Does your company current block employees from accessing PUBLIC social networking sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter? *This question is required.
8. What is your Title? *This question is required.
9. What is the size of your company in terms of annual revenue? *This question is required.
10. Which industry is your company in? *This question is required.
11. Does your company serve mostly business customers (B2B), consumers (B2C), or both? *This question is required.
12. If you're interested in receiving a copy of the results when they are published, please provide your email below. If you're willing to participate in a brief telephone interview about this topic, please provide your name and 10-digit telephone number too.
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