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FAAS Strategic Planning Stakeholder Survey

The following survey is intended to inform the Friends of the Alameda Animal Shelter (FAAS) strategic planning process. The results will be aggregated by Olive Grove and used along with other information as a guide to developing the direction of the organization. It may be shared (without attribution) with the strategic planning committee and Board. The format is structured to provide some overall trends but also provides opportunities for you to express your unique perspective and wishes for the future of FAAS. You should be able to complete the survey in 15 minutes. We appreciate your participation and consideration. If you have further questions you may contact Kristin Heller at
1. What first inspired you to become involved with FAAS? (check all that apply)
2. Which answer best describes what it is about FAAS that you love and that keeps you engaged?
5. What do you think is FAAS's greatest opportunity at this point in its history?
6. What do you think is FAAS's greatest challenge at this point in its history?
11. What best describes your engagement with FAAS? *This question is required.
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