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Oxfam International Website Survey 2013

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Please help us to improve the Oxfam website! This short survey should take just a few minutes to complete. You can opt to make your responses anonymous. The survey will close on 31 December 2013 at 5 pm GMT. We'll pick one respondent at random to receive a $30 Amazon gift certificate by 31 January 2014. We value your feedback.
1. What was your purpose in visiting today? *This question is required.
2. Were you looking for the website of a national Oxfam affiliate? If so, which one: *This question is required.
3. Was your visit successful today? *This question is required.
If not, why not?
4. Did you visit wanting to know about our program in a particular country? *This question is required.
5. On your visit today or on previous visits to this site did you do any of the following? Check all that apply: *This question is required.
6. On your visit today which section/s of the site did you look at/visit? Check as many as apply: *This question is required.
7. Do you use any of these social media/networking spaces to promote/share or read about Oxfam? Check as many as apply:
8. Please rank the most important features should have? *This question is required.
Space Cell Not at all importantSomewhat importantNeutralImportantVery important
Information on Oxfam products for sale *This question is required
Customizable content (e.g., ability to personalize the home page) *This question is required
Polls and surveys *This question is required
Information on what Oxfam is doing locally to me *This question is required
Short videos explaining Oxfam's policy positions or research papers *This question is required
Links to Oxfam in the news *This question is required
Short videos explaining Oxfam's work *This question is required
Podcasts or other audio files on Oxfam's emergency response or field work *This question is required
Multi-lingual content *This question is required
Donate to Oxfam via *This question is required
Directory of organizations Oxfam supports financially *This question is required
10. To what extent do you agree/disagree with these statements about the website: *This question is required.
Space Cell I totally disagreeI somewhat disagreeNeutralI somewhat agreeI totally agree
Content is easy to read and understand *This question is required
I easily find opportunities to engage further with Oxfam *This question is required
The site is easy to navigate and use *This question is required
Content is easy to find *This question is required
I find the site's content interesting *This question is required
The site is sufficiently updated *This question is required
11. Would you like to receive a regular update from Oxfam? *This question is required.
12. Would you be willing to volunteer to help user test website developments?
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