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Switch Quiz 2

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Welcome to the Monday Quiz!
We all struggle with pesky, yet sometimes serious work issues. Some challenge us to Switch God OFF at work. Take this simple 5 minute Quiz and find your practical challenges.
Here’s What You’ll Get:  *A FREE Personalized Work Challenge Report  *Comparisons to other workers worldwide
INSTRUCTIONS: Prayerfully read the statements below. Place yourself in each situation and score yourself on the sliding scale.


I consistently resist lust and avoid sexual challenges at work. *This question is required.
I am talking with and hearing God before making most work decisions. *This question is required.
My work behaviors are free of fear and compulsion concerning situations and people. *This question is required.
I keep God “top of mind” at work, especially when I make decisions and interact with people. *This question is required.
I keep promises and always tell the truth at work - even avoiding false hype, white lies, and spin. *This question is required.
My character and work values make God look good to co-workers. *This question is required.
I am good at what I do at work and people trust me. *This question is required.
I maintain family and faith priorities, even during my hectic work schedule. *This question is required.
Which of these would be most frustrating for you at work? (click one) Please select one of the following images.
My natural skills and life passions are a good fit for my present job. *This question is required.
I manage stress by getting away and resting from my work on a regular basis. *This question is required.
My coworkers and customers respect me as a person. *This question is required.
I treat tough times at work as an opportunity for personal growth and service. *This question is required.
I set and follow clear boundaries on my ambitions so work doesn’t hurt other parts of my life. *This question is required.
I can usually feel God’s presence when I am working. *This question is required.
I follow biblical principles while working even when they are unpopular or against policy. *This question is required.
I love explaining to people why Jesus is the center of my life and work. *This question is required.
I recognize that my work has importance beyond my present life on earth. *This question is required.
I believe that God created work as a gift not as punishment. *This question is required.
I talk about Jesus in a clear and natural way when I am at work. *This question is required.
I am able to graciously receive criticism, resolve work conflicts, and avoid gossiping about others. *This question is required.
I manage my time and money in a way that pleases God and respects my family. *This question is required.
I see my work as an opportunity to serve God and those around me. *This question is required.
Who do you think has a job that is closest God? (click one) Please select one of the following images.
I manage my time in a way that is helpful and reduces unnecessary stress and conflict. *This question is required.
I frequently improve my skills at work to reflect God’s character and to serve my employer. *This question is required.
I look for appropriate opportunities with coworkers to discuss our faith beliefs at work. *This question is required.
I handle difficult people and situations at work with love, patience and wisdom. *This question is required.
I intentionally connect with other believers at work for support and encouragement. *This question is required.
I value my relationship and influence for Jesus more than my position or pay. *This question is required.
I stand up for and defend my coworkers and clients if needed. *This question is required.
I am able to assist coworkers with tough questions they have about God, life, and faith. *This question is required.
Pipe Managment *This question is required.
    PRIVACY STATEMENT: None of your information will be shared with 3rd parties.
You're almost done. Give us a little more info on yourself so we can generate your Personal Monday Quiz Report.
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