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Daily stand-up/ regular team meetings

Thank you for taking the time to fill in this questionnaire, it should only take few minites. Your responses will be treated with utmost confidentially. This questionnaire aims at finding out how people experience regular team meetings in agile projects.

3. Which agile method does your current team use? You may tick more than one box
4. How frequently does your team run regular team meetings (Stand-ups)? Please tick one box
5. How does your team normally run regular team meeting? Please tick one box
6. How long does your regular team meeting normally take? Please tick one box
7. How many team members normally contribute in the meeting? Please tick one box
8. Is your meeting structured around the 3 questins: "what did you do yesterday, what will you do today and do you have problems". Please tick one box
9. Is your regular team meeting usually documented? Please tick one box
10. In your opinion what is the main benefit of the regular team meeting? please tick one box
11. In your opinion what is the main challenge for running a successful regular team meeting? Please tick one box
12. How useful are your regular team in terms of COMMUNICATING within the team (please choose one option)
Extremely poorBelow averageAverageAbove averageExcellent
13. How useful are your regular team in terms of STAYING UP-TO DATE within the team (please choose one option)
Extremely poorBelow AverageAverageAbove averageExcellent
14. How useful are your regular team in terms of KNOWLEDGE SHARING within the team (please choose one option)
Extremely poorBelow averageAverageAbove averageExcellent
15. How useful are your regular team in terms of KNOWLEDGE CO-ORDINATION within the team (please choose one option )
Extremely poorBelow averageAverageAbove averageExcellent
16. How useful are your regular team in terms of COMING UP WITH NEW IDEAS within the team (please choose one option)
Extremely PoorBelow averageAverageAbove averageExcellent
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