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Re:Writing Survey

Page One

1. How did you first learn about Re:Writing?
3. Do you currently teach with a Bedford/St. Martin's textbook?
5. Please indicate which Bedford/St. Martin's premium resources you use, if any:
6. How often do you use or recommend Re:Writing resources?
7. Please rate each Re:Writing resource that you use on a scale of 1 to 5 (5 being most useful).
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VideoCentral: English (5 for free)
Visual Analysis Tutorial
Web Design Tutorial
Avoiding Plagiarism Tutorial
Preparing Presentation Slides Tutorial
Presenting Effective Charts and Graphs Tutorial
Designing Documents with a Word Processor Tutorial
ModelDoc Central (30 for free)
Diana Hacker's Research and Documentation
The Bedford Bibliographer
The Bedford Research Room
Exercise Central
Diana Hacker's Online Exercises and Diagnostics
Andrea Lunsford's Top Twenty and Diagnostic
Instructor Gradebook
Downloadable instructor's manuals
8. Please select what you find to be the three most valuable resources on Re:Writing.
9. Which tutorials do you use or assign, if any?
10. Do you use the Re:Writing coursepack?
11. If yes, within which course management system do you use it?
12. Listed below are resources we plan to add to Re:Writing. Please rate the apparent usefulness of each resource on a scale of 1 to 5 (5 being most useful).
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Visual explanations of concepts (such as animated paragraph makeovers and video tutorials on research and writing)
Peer Factor (simulated peer review game)
TechTips (visual instructions for using a few open and common tools in a writing course)
13. We are considering developing Diana Hacker's Research and Documentation in an e-book format. Which type of e-book format would you find appealing?
14. Would you be more likely to use these resources if some were available for adaptation through a Creative Commons license? This flexible license will allow you to customize Bedford/St. Martin's content for your course needs.
16. Would you be interested in having access to instructor-generated content and the ability to upload your own content for sharing in Re:Writing?