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Capture Team Survey

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Capture Team Survey

Thank you for taking the Capture Team Survey. Please find below the quick survey that will allow us to better address the highest priority focus areas in our region.
4. As the Capture Team develops its proactive strategy for attracting federal and national philanthropic funding to our region, which of the following focus areas are most in need of funding to support planning and project development? Please rank in order of most in need to least in need. *This question is required.

- To support the development of a comprehensive, regional strategy 

Workforce/Human Development - To support planning and projects to address emerging regional workforce needs (e.g. energy, advanced manufacturing), increasing industry/education partnerships, and new models of engaging the region’s hard-to-employ residents

Transportation Infrastructure - To support transportation projects of regional significance, e.g. mass transit, scalable transportation IT solutions, or excess port capacity 

Food Systems - To support planning and infrastructure improvements for a regional food economy

Land Use/Sustainable Communities - To support planning for regional approaches to smart growth, vacant land/brownfield reclamation, and community development
Order the items from the following list. First select an item with the spacebar to show a menu of possible ranking positions. Next, click a ranking position to order it in the ranked list. Note the menu will display more ordering options as you add items to the ranked list.