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1. What is the size of your entire development organization? *This question is required.
2. What development process(es) does your organization currently employ? (Choose all that apply) *This question is required.
3. Which of the following statements best describes your current/planned adoption of Agile development methods? *This question is required.
Does your organization use software to support your Agile initiative?
To continue with the survey and to access our premium editorial download we will need to collect some information from you. *This question is required.

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Only available to those who take the time to complete our survey, you’ll receive immediate download of our e-guide, Agile Case Studies.


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What are over 800 IT pros saying about their Agile Development purchase intentions?

33% say

cost reduction is a top reason for their new Agile tools purchase.

Less than 55%

have been using Agile for more than 1 year.

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