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Are you Ready to be HIP? An Agency Assessment for the New Direction of HIV Services

Well-Position Yourself for High Impact Prevention! Once you complete this brief assessment (10-15 minutes) - you will have a better idea about the high impact prevention programmatic areas important to your agency. These may help you better your competitive position to provide priority HIV services. Immediately after finishing this assessment you will get a HIP Status. Within 5 business days, an ETR CIS capacity building specialist will reach out to you to share a more detailed HIP Report Card that identifies your strengths, and to discuss free Capacity Building services to help propel you to the next level.
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We want to hear about what you are doing related to high impact prevention. Here are a few key areas to highlight. There will be more detailed questions after each section. Be sure to add comments if we have missed something important for you or the agencies you work with.
1. We all wear many first let us know which role or perspective you will have as you answer (please just pick one). *This question is required. Please select from the following images.
3. Are there strong administrative structures in place to provide organizational support to high impact prevention initiatives?
4. Are the programs implementing HIV Testing Interventions in High-Impact Communities?
5. Are the programs working to increase client retention?
6. Are the programs developing linkages with other organizations to enhance services for clients?
7. Are the programs providing Prevention with Positives & Partner Services?
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