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Person-Entrepreneurial Leadership Fitness Instrument (PELFI) © Questionnaire

Welcome to the PELFI questionnaire!

Discover your entrepreneurial leadership fitness!

The Person-Entrepreneurial Leadership Fitness Instrument (PELFI) © questionnaire is a tool an entrepreneur or business owner can use to measure the latent components which make up entrepreneurial leadership fitness in which the higher the fit the higher the likelihood for entrepreneurial leadership success. This tool will be helpful for business owners and entrepreneurs seeking to understand how their leadership through the entrepreneurial new venture process can have implications for sustainment, success, and growth.

At the end of the questionnaire participants are able to request a summary report of their results by entering an email address at the end of the questionnaire. The questionnaire should only take from 5 to 10 minutes to complete. Data will only be reported in summary format and no individual responses will be highlighted in the results of this questionnaire. All responses to the questionnaire are kept confidentially anonymous.

Who does this questionnaire help?

This questionnaire will be helpful for:
(1) Nascent entrepreneurs - those who are searching for the business idea or who are involved in business planning,
(2) Existing business owners - those who have officially established their business,
(3) Entrepreneurs - CEOs, executive directors, and presidents currently involved with sustaining and growing their business,
(4) Experienced entrepreneurs - those who have been in business for period of time or have sustained and grown two businesses, and
(5) Serial entrepreneurs - those who have started and sustained three or more businesses as well.

What this questionnaire covers…

Concepts pertaining to the qualities of an individual person such as:

•    Absorption of uncertainty, Foresight, Vision, Confidence Building
•    Business Framing and Planning, Performance and Improvement Orientation, Ambition, Awareness
•    Marshaling or Gathering of resources, Underwriting and Path Clearing, Diplomacy, Bargaining, Convincing, and Encouragement
•    Business Implementation, Decisiveness, Synergy, Commitment Building, Inspiration, Enthusiasm, and Team Building

This tool measures entrepreneurail leadership fitness components aligned to an evidence based scientifically validated framework comprised of entrepreneurial leadership theory and the entrepreneurial new venture process. See table below...

Entrepreneurial Leadership --->Entrepreneurial Venture Process --->PELFI  component:
Uncertainty Absorption --->Searching --->Venture scope
Challenge framing --->Planning --->Performance orientation
Path clearing/underwriting --->Marshaling --->Entrepreneurial savvy
Commitment builder/realism --->Implementing --->Leader-follower orientation

Also concepts of risk-taking, proactiveness, innovation as well as business satisfaction are examined.

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