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University of Huddersfield - The Times Higher Education University of the Year 2013

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Attitudes Towards Fraud

I would like to invite you to take part in a research project being conducted by a PhD researcher studying at the University of Huddersfield. The University of Huddersfield School of Human and Health Science Research Ethics Panel have approved the following study.

What is the purpose of the study?

The purpose of this study is to gather the public's feelings concerning a variety of fraudulent crimes from a representative sample of UK residents aged 18 and over. The results of this study will be very useful in expanding what is known about this limited subject. 

What will I have to do?

The questionaire will roughly take 10 minutes of your time to complete and will involve a series of questions relating to yourself followed by a series of questions relating to hypothetical situations and multiple choice questions relating to your perception of certain behaviours which are commonly perceived as victimless crimes. The questionaire will place you in hypothetical situations and these are designed to examine your attitude towards each situation and your responses are in no way measuring your intentions.

Will my taking part in the study be kept confidential?

All information provided within this study is anonymous; therefore you are encouraged to answer the questions honestly. In addition, all data produced by your answers will be secured on a password-protected computer where only the researcher will have access. The results of this research will be written for publication in a relevant academic journal.  You are reminded that no reference to yourself will be made in the write up of the research, as participation in this study is anonymous.  You will also be given access to the results of this study once the research write up is complete by contacting the researcher.

Do I have to take part in this study?

Participation in this study is entirely voluntary; you can choose to withdraw from this study at any point in time at no cost to yourself. Should you wish to withdraw, all your data will be safely destroyed.

Any questions?

If you require any further information please do not hesitate contact the researcher on the email address below.

It is not expected that any of the questions asked in this study will cause any personal distress, however if you require advice after completing this questionnaire you are advised to contact the Samaritans advice line on the number given below.

08457 909090 (UK)

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