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2017 Budget Survey

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Welcome to the Fiscal Year 2017 Multnomah County budget survey!

Please complete both pages of the survey and click "Submit" once you have finished.
Multnomah County’s budget is about $1.7 billion. Most of that money comes from federal and state governments. A smaller portion, called the General Fund, is collected locally; mostly from property, business and rental vehicle taxes. It’s roughly $500 million. Nearly 50 percent is spent on public safety. About 30 percent goes to health and human services. Another 20 percent goes to general government operations. By participating in this survey, both you and The Board of County Commissioners get to decide how to spend it. With that in mind:
1. Below are services Multnomah County provides.,Rank your top three:. See a description of the programs that each service covers. *This question is required.
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