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Good Shepherd congregational survey

Congregational Priorities. Page 1

Please rate the following activities as to their priority in our Church. We recommend reading through the entire list before you start answering. We encourage ALL Communing members (including our teenagers) to take survey. Please answer all questions.
Check 4 for the highest priority and 0 for the lowest priority. Keep in mind that an activity could be a high priority in aspiration only, (we may have a strong desire to do the activity but simply have not found a way bring the activity into full practice yet).
Check 2 or 3 for intermediate priorities.
Choose no less than 4 and no more than 6 of the activities on which you place the highest priority.

Please feel free to leave a comment in the comment box with each question. All comments will be read by the search team.
Church Membership
Please describe your membership status with Good Shepherd.
1. Worship Leadership
(Pastor and Session work to develop a rich worship life, educating the congregation for meaningful participation.)
2. Proclamation of the Word
(The word of God is preached with urgency and conviction, bringing it to bear on the changing needs of individuals, the community, and the world. High priority of pastor's time placed on sermon preparation.)
3. Spiritual Development of Members
(Pastor shares members' struggles regarding the Christian faith, with opportunity provided for individuals and groups.)
4. Congregational Visitation
(Church officers and pastor develop and carry out a systematic plan for visitation of the entire congregation with special attention to prospective members and those with special needs.)
5. Hospital or Emergency Visitation
(Those in hospitals or emergency situations are regularly visited; network developed to keep pastor and others informed of crisis situations; needs of ill or bereaved are met.)
6. Congregational Fellowship
(Emphasis placed on developing fellowship, helping members to know one another; groups encouraged which give members the opportunity to love and support one another.)
7. Counseling Services
(A counseling program initiated for assisting those in and outside the Church; appropriate referrals made when needed.)
8. Evangelism
(Pastor and congregation share faith in Christ as personal Savior in total lifestyle; seek to lead other within and outside the Church to accept Jesus Christ: congregation is informed, trained, helped to establish effective evangelism programs for the church.)
9. Discipleship Training
10. Encouraging the Ministry of the congregation
(Creative ideas and directions developed together with the Session; many persons with appropriate skill stimulated to become involved in services.)
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