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Energy Statistics User Survey

Page One

Alaska Energy Authority wants to ensure we are delivering relevant, useful information in the best way possible. Please take a few moments to help us improve our Energy Statistics report by answering the following questions. Thank you!
1. Please rate the importance of the Energy Statistics publication for your work. Zero means the survey has no importance for your work and ten means the survey plays a vital role in your work. *This question is required.
2. Approximately how often do you use or reference the Energy Statistics publication? *This question is required.
3. How frequently should the Energy Statistics report be published? *This question is required.
4. Do you primarily use the Energy Statistics data tables or the summary report? *This question is required.
5. For what purpose do you use the Energy Statistics? Please check all that apply.
7. At which level are you looking for energy data? Please select the most frequently relevant option. *This question is required.
10. Please select the option that best describes your workplace. We'd love to know exactly what organization you represent if you're comfortable telling us in the "other" category! *This question is required.
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