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Cosmic Adventures Satisfaction Survey

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1. Please rate your overall satisfaction with Cosmic Solutions.
Not SatisfiedCompletely Satisfied
That's an unfortunate score. Did we happen to hit any unidentified alien species during the trip?
Based on the fact that you're taking this survey, we assume you survived the collision. What are aliens like?
We're very sorry to hear that. At least you managed to escape un-digested. Please accept a coupon for a free pair of MOON BOOTS® as a token of our apology.
Awesome. We always knew aliens would be cool. Sorry about the ship collision, we're sure it was very traumatic.
Oh... Very nice weather we're having?
(Aliens - if you're reading this: We, for one, welcome our new slimy overlords. Please don't eat us.)
We're happy you had such a great time. Weightlessness is pretty sweet, isn't it?