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Course Instructor Feedback Form

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2. College of the class this course was taught for (if you signed up for multiple instruction sessions, please select all that apply):
3. Library Instructor (please select all instructors you used this semester):
4. Site of the library instruction session (please select all that apply):
5. Given your cumulative experience with library information sessions, please indicate the level to which you agree with the following statements:
Space Cell N/AStrongly DisagreeDisagreeNeither Agree nor DisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree
The library instructor(s) communicated with me in preparation for each session.
The library(s) supported the goals of my course(s).
Feedback from students in each class indicates that the library session(s) was/are helpful.
In my opinion, the library instruction sessions are very helpful.
6. Were you present for the instruction session(s) (please note: this only applies to sessions requested for this semester):