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Sonoma Services

Sonoma Home Owners Association

The Sonoma Home Owners Association is collecting information to compile a list of services offered by residents in our community.

Please fill out the information below to be included in our 2014 Sonoma Services list.
1. Which services do you provide?Check all that apply.
Please use the comment section below to provide further information about your services, including any licensure or certifications you'd like to mention (i.e. first aid, cpr, etc.)
2. Please provide your contact information.All fields are optional. Please provide only the information you feel comfortable sharing.
The Sonoma HOA will provide this information as a service to homeowners. Inclusion on the list does not imply any endorsement from the Association. Furthermore, inclusion does not indicate that these persons or services comply with particular licensure or certification requirements. It is the responsibility of the homeowner to investigate requirements, including any applicable licensure and/or certifications.
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