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Access to the Beit Midrash/Library During the Week - Survey

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3. Are you interested in learning in the Beit Midrash/Shul library in the evenings? If no, please indicate "no" and submit your survey without answering any further questions. *This question is required.
4. How many nights a week do you realistically think you will be able to attend?
5. What nights of the week do you prefer (rank in order of preference from 1 being the most preferred to 5 being the least preferred)? Note: for the following table each column is restricted to a single answer across all rows.
6. What time slot works best for you?
7. What is your preferred type of learning?
8. If you would like to have a Chavruta, what type of arrangement do you prefer?
9. Would you be willing, if needed, to volunteer periodically to open up/close up the Beit Midrash? This includes putting away the sefarim/books.
10. What type of books/sefarim are you interested in learning (check all that apply)?
11. What language do you prefer books to be in?
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