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Compendium Survey


We’d like to know how McREL can better serve you. Please provide responses to the following brief survey. One entry in every 25 will receive a free copy of one the following McREL books (your choice):
Understanding Common Core State Standards
Quick Start Guides:
Common Core Standards for Elementary Grades [K-2 or 3-5]
Common Core Standards for Middle School [Math or English]
Common Core Standards for High School [Math or English]
Classroom Instruction That Works, 2nd edition
Using Technology with Classroom Instruction That Works, 2nd Edition
Simply Better: Doing What Matters to Change the Odds for Student Success.
2. Please describe your role *This question is required.
3. What were you searching for when you came to this site (McREL's Compendium) today? (Check as many as applicable)
4. Did you find what you were looking for?
5. For resources related to curriculum, instruction, and classroom assessment, what are your most pressing needs as a teacher or someone who supports teachers?
6. What types of resources would you like to be able to access from the McREL site?
This question requires a valid email address.
8. Have you included comments or questions to which you'd like a response?
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