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R & vanR Chapter 4 Quiz

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Please answer each of the following questions to help you self-assess your understanding of "Chapter 4: Measurement" (Remler & Van Ryzin, 2010)
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2. Please Match the Term to Its Definition *This question is required.
Space Cell The score or result produced by a measurement process.Stage in measurement process in which the construct (or concept) to be measured is carefully and fully defined.Concept, construct, or characteristic of which the measurement is sought.A construct or trait that is directly observable. Contrasts with a latent construct.A construct or trait that is not directly observable.The process of devising or identifying an empirical measure.The process of systematically observing some feature or characteristic of the world and then recording it in the form of a number or category.A facet of a multifaceted construct, also called a domain.A facet of a multifaceted construct, also called a dimension.The concept or trait that a measure is trying to capture.The use of measurement for administrative purposes or leadership strategy.
Operationalization *This question is required
Latent Construct *This question is required
Dimension *This question is required
Domain *This question is required
Manifest Construct
Performance Measurement
3. Please Match the Term to Its Definition *This question is required.
Space Cell How well a measure represents the construct of interest.A measure that substitutes for another unavailable measure.Carefully specified procedures for using the instruments properly in measurement.Composite measure composed of multiple items, which may be selected for different reasons.The technicians, interviewers, trained observers, and other personnel who implement research protocols.Some observable measure that reveals information about a factor or latent trait.A person who responds to a survey providing information about someone else.A composite measure composed of multiple items, which are correlated with each other and thought to reflect a single latent construct.Situation in a survey in which a person who responds provides information about someone else.Tools that help measure something, such as a survey instrument.
Validity (of a measure) *This question is required
Instrument (of Measurement)
Proxy Respondent
Index *This question is required
Scale *This question is required
Proxy Reporting
Research Personnel
4. Please Match the Term to Its Definition *This question is required.
Space Cell On the face of it, how well a measure captures what it is supposed to measure - the extent to which a measure makes intuitive sense.The extent to which a measure correlates with other closely related measures in the same data set.Extent to which a measure is independent of (not correlated with) other measures in the same data set that it does not logically relate to.The extent to which a measure behaves as it should in a system or network of other variables.The extent to which a measure concurs or agrees with other established classifications or test scores.When survey respondents are asked to report their own behaviors or characteristics.How well a measure captures all the important dimensions of a construct.The extent to which a measure relates, empirically, to various criteria that can demonstrate its validity.The extent to which a measure predicts logically related outcomes or behaviors in the future.The extent to which a measure behaves in a statistical model in a way that would be expected, based on theory and prior research.
Face Validity
Concurrent Validity
Convergent Validity
Nomological Validity *This question is required
Content Validity
Predictive Validity
Discriminant Validity *This question is required
Construct Validity *This question is required
Criterion-Related Validity
5. Please Match the Term to Its Definition *This question is required.
Space Cell Errors - deviations from the true construct in a measure - that are not systematic and average out to zero. Also called noise.Systematic error in a measure or causal effect.How similar the scores of different raters or interviewers are when they measure the same person or object.An approach to determining reliability based on measuring the same thing twice.A measure of reliability of a composite measure such as a scale based on dividing the items randomly into two halves and then looking at the correlation between the two halves.Random measurement error.Consistency of a measure.Errors - or deviations from the true construct in a measure that are systematic and do not average out to zero. Also called bias.The extent to which two forms of a test or measure are really the same.The average of all possible split-half correlations; a measure of the internal reliability of a multi-item scale.
Systematic Measurement Error
Random Measurement Error
Test-Retest Reliability
Interrater Reliability
Split-Half Reliability *This question is required
Cronbach's Alpha *This question is required
Parallel Forms Reliability *This question is required
6. Please Match the Term to Its Definition *This question is required.
Space Cell A quantitative measure in which there is a meaningful zero and the size of a difference, an interval, has meaning. Contrasts with interval measure.The consistency of coding qualitative data.Variables that take the forms of numbers that refer to actual quantities of something.The distinction between quantitative and categorical variables, or "ladder of measurement": nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio.A quantitative measure in which the size of a difference - an interval - has meaning, but there is no meaningful zero. Contrasts with ratio measure.Categorical variables that can be put in a meaningful order.Variables that refer to categories and not to an actual quantity.The units that define the numbers in quantitative variables - how many of what that numbers refer to. Also referred to as simply units.Categorical variables that have no intrinsic order.Categorical variable that has only two values 0 and 1, where 1 indicates being in the category named by the variable and 0 indicates not being in it. Also called indicator variable.
Code-Recode Reliability
Level of Measurement
Quantitative Variables
Categorical Variables
Unit of Measurement
Interval Measure
Ratio Measure
Nominal Categorical Variables *This question is required
Ordinal Categorical Variables *This question is required
Dummy Variable *This question is required
7. Researchers developing the HIV-Knowledge Questionnaire found that it was positively correlated with other similar measures such as the AIDS Risk Behavior Knowledge Test. Based on this description, the measure has *This question is required.
8. To measure individualism, a study included survey questions based on three components of the concept: autonomy, mature self-responsibility, and uniqueness. These three components can be referred to as *This question is required.
9. A measure of bureaucratic red tape included many important dimensions of the construct, such as delays, rules and procedures, and the number of people required to make decisions. Based on this description, the red tape measure has *This question is required.
10. A study found that college students who score higher on a measure of “public service motivation” (which includes dimensions such as attraction to policy-making, feelings of compassion, and attitudes about civic duty) are more likely to work for a government agency or nonprofit organization rather than a for-profit business when they graduate. Based on this description, this measure has *This question is required.
11. What is the level of measurement? *This question is required.
12. What is the unit of measurement? *This question is required.
13. What is the unit of analysis? *This question is required.
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