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Community and Student Engagement Accountability System Parents

Fine Arts

1. Does your student have the opportunity to participate in art and/or music? Su estudiante tiene la oportunidad de participar en arte y/o musica?
2. Has your student participated in any SCHOOL sponsored art and/or music contest? Su estudiante ha particpado en algun concurso de arte y/o musica patrocinado por la ESCUELA?
3. Has your student participated in any DISTRICT sponsored art and/or music contest? Su estudiante ha particpado en algun concurso de arte y/o musica patrocinado por el DISTRITO?
4. Has your student participated in any art and/or music performances this school year? Su estudiante ha participado en algun evento de musica y/o arte?
5. If yes, how many? / En caso afirmativo, en cuantas ocasiones?
6. How often do your students participate in art and/or music instruction? / Con que frecuencia su estudiante en clases de musica y/o arte?
7. Are you involved in campus/district art and/or music exhibits and/or performances? / Esta usted envuelto en algun evento o exhibicion del campus o distrito?
8. If yes, how often do they participate? / En caso afirmativo, con que frecuencia usted participa?