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Retailer survey

Thank you in advance for your willingness to participate in this short survey.

The value of the Canadian organic food market has tripled since 2006. The organic market in Canada is now worth $3.5 billion annually. With more than 20 million Canadians buying organic products every week, a diverse consumer base is driving the sector.

In order to continue to support organics in Canada, COTA is developing training materials to assist retailers across the country regarding handling requirements for organic products.

This survey is about your in-store practices around organic integrity and to better understand your current activities and areas where you could benefit from training support. It is split into four short sections:
- Current training activities
- Organic documentation
- Current practices to maintain organic integrity
- Training support

All individual responses will be kept confidential and the amalgamated results of this survey will be used solely by COTA for the purposes as described above.
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