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Downtown Stayner Walkability Survey

General information

Welcome to the Downtown Stayner Walkability Survey. Clearview Township is seeking community input on walkability in downtown Stayner. We are interested in learning more about how you feel about walking, accessibility and pedestrian and cycling facilities in downtown Stayner. Your input is appreciated, and will be used to shape future development and planning decisions.

Personal information is collected for the purpose of contacting individuals to obtain clarification or more information about responses. All information collected for this survey will remain confidential.
2. I would like to be contacted by email to receive more information about plans, consultations and potential improvements in downtown Stayner.
(Please ensure you have entered your email address above)
3. What is your age?
4. Which best describes you?
5. Which best describes you? (choose all that apply)
6. How do you usually travel to and from work or school?
7. How often do you walk in downtown Stayner?
8. What are the reasons you walk through downtown Stayner? (choose all that apply)
9. How do you usually travel to and from downtown Stayner?
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