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CPMA Call For Content 2015

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Thank you for taking the time to help identify the most innovative and exciting speakers for CPMA’s Annual Convention, Pest Management Canada 2015, hosted at the Westin Calgary in Calgary Alberta . The information collected here will help the PMC15 Planning Committee identify speakers and make decisions regarding the content of the program. Please feel free to provide multiple speaker names and topics. CPMA welcomes both technical and business-related sessions. Speaker suggestions may include, but are not limited to, academics, business owners, technical experts, consultants from within and outside the industry, subject matter experts in sales, marketing, information technology, and human resources, as well as other "outside of the box" ideas that no one has seen in the past.
1. Please provide speaker contact information.
3. In the event that CPMA requires additional information to consider this proposal, please provide your contact information below (if different from the speaker information above).