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Pornography Consumption Survey

Pornography Consumption and Sexual Attitudes and Behaviours among Men

You are invited to take part in a research project looking at pornography consumption, attitudes toward pornography and sex, and sexual behaviour among men. The study is being conducted by Daniel Miller and will contribute to a PhD in psychology at James Cook University.

You must be MALE and AT LEAST 18 to participate. The survey is open to males of all sexual orientations and both consumers and non-consumers of pornography. If you agree to participate in the study you will be invited to complete an anonymous questionnaire. The questionnaire should take about 30-40 minutes of your time.

For your participation you can enter the draw to win 1 of 5 $50 (AUD) gift vouchers (if you are not participating for course credit). You will also be contributing to the scientific community’s understanding of pornography use.

The study poses minimal risk to you, although it is possible that you may find some questions slightly embarrassing or confronting. If you feel uncomfortable with any of the questions asked you are able to skip these items or exit from the survey entirely. You can stop taking part in the study at any time without explanation. Due to the personal nature of some questions it is suggested that you complete the survey in a private place.

Your responses will be strictly confidential and anonymous. If you wish to go into the draw to win a gift voucher you will be asked to provide your email address. To maintain anonymity your email address will not be linked to your responses. Furthermore, your contact information will remain confidential. However, this means that once you have submitted the survey you will not be able to withdraw your responses. You should also be aware that the study is not being run from a secure https server (the kind used to handle credit card transactions), so there is a small possibility that responses could be viewed by unauthorised third parties.

The data from the study will be used in research publications. You will not be identified in any way in these publications.
If you are a James Cook Uni student after research participation credits please access this survey through SONA

As stated above, this study poses minimal risk to participants. However, if you are distressed by any of the questions in the study there are services available to help. JCU students can contact the JCU Student Counselling Service for a confidential appointment with a counsellor. Australian non-JCU students can contact Lifeline on 13 11 14. If you are outside Australia can use this link to find online/telephone counselling services operating in your home country.

If you have any questions about the study, please contact Daniel Miller and/or Dr Peter Raggatt.

Principal Investigator:
Daniel Miller
Department of Psychology
James Cook University

Dr Peter Raggatt
Department of Psychology
James Cook University

This study has been approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee, JCU (Ethics Approval Number H5850)

If you have any concerns regarding the ethical conduct of the study, please contact:
Human Ethics, Research Office
James Cook University, Townsville, Qld, 4811
Phone: (07) 4781 5011