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Register for Online Workshop - Tips of the Trade

REGISTER for KTDRR Online Workshop
Tips of the Trade: Developing High Quality Research Syntheses

This online workshop presents the archive version of KTDRR's in-person workshop on "Tips of the Trade: Developing High Quality Research Syntheses." The workshop sessions were recorded and the archived files are now available as an on-line workshop, designed for grantees of RSA and NIDILRR, and anyone interested in synthesizing hiqh quality research.
1. Registration Information:
This question requires a valid email address.
2. Please indicate affiliation with NIDILRR, RSA, or project(s) sponsored by NIDILRR/RSA.
4. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statement: "I know different techniques for calculating an effect size estimate for single subject design studies."
Strongly agreeAgreeNot sureDisagreeStrongly disagree
5. Coding procedures must include . . . (Choose one item below to finish the sentence.)
6. What is an effect size?
7. A meta-analysis or other method of comparing effect sizes is a necessary part of a research synthesis.
9. Audio files with written transcripts and PowerPoint slides with text descriptions are available for this workshop. If you have additional accessibility requests, please check “yes” below and describe your request in the comments box.