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2014 HiNZ Conference Survey

Page One

1. Overall, how would you rate the 2014 HiNZ Conference? *This question is required.
2. How well did this year's conference meet your expectations regarding:
Space Cell ExcellentGreatOkayDisappointingDreadfulNot applicable
Theme of this year's conference "Making IT Work for you today: Routes to transformational change"
Calibre of keynote speakers
Variety of topics on offer in concurrent sessions
Poster presentation session
Trade exhibition
4. Please rate the venue and organisation of the conference:
Space Cell ExcellentGreatOkayDisappointingDreadful
Convenience of location
Session rooms
AV quality
Registration process
Length of conference
6. Please rate the networking and social events:
Space Cell Did not attendExcellentGreatOkayDisappointingDreadful
Monday evening Welcome Function
Tuesday evening Pre-Dinner Drinks
Tuesday evening Gala Dinner
8. Please rate the functions available on the online conference app:
Space Cell Did not use this functionExcellentGreatOkayDisappointingDreadful
Accessing the conference programme
Sending messages to delegates
Setting up meetings with delegates
Voting for Best Poster and/or the winner of The Great Debate
Playing the QR Code Challenge game
Linking to session surveys
10. Please rate the conference handbook:
13. Would you recommend the HiNZ Conference to others?