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Finances as predictors for post college occupation and global identity formation in emerging adulthood

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Finances as Predictors for Post College Occupational and Global Identity Formation in Emerging Adulthood

Statement of Informed Consent and Agreement to Participate

          My name is Tyler Boonstra. I am a graduate student in the Department of Clinical Psychology at the University of Detroit Mercy.  I am conducting a research project regarding possible links between finances, occupation, and aspects of identity following college.  In order to begin, you must give your consent to participate in the project.  Please read the following information regarding my project carefully before consenting to participate.

  1.  Explanation of the Purpose.  This project sets out to better understand identity development following college, and the relationship between identity and finances such as employment, income, and debt.  Volunteers can be anyone over the age of 18, who have either 1) graduated college, or 2) attended college but are no longer enrolled.  Individuals who have attended, or are currently enrolled in, graduate school should not participate in the study.
  2. Explanation of the Procedures.  If you take part in this study, you will be asked to complete several questionnaires regarding your personal finances, occupation, and identity.  The overall time anticipated to complete the survey is approximately 30 minutes.  This is a one-time study, and you will only be asked to participate once.
  3. Expected Risks. During the study you will be asked to respond to personal questions regarding your finances, occupation, and identity, which could cause you some discomfort or distress.  It is important to remember that you are under no obligation to complete the survey, and you can discontinue at any time
  4. Expected Benefits.  Information gathered by this study may benefit other people both now and in the future.  Additionally, a donation of $0.50 will be made to the American Red Cross for each completed survey, up to a total of $150.
  5. Confidentiality. All information collected about you during the course of this study will be anonymous.  Further, no identifying information, such as names or email addresses, will be collected at any time.
  6. Offer To Answer Questions. I hereby offer to answer any questions you might wish to ask concerning the procedures used in this research at this time. I may be reached by e-mail at  If you have questions concerning your rights as a volunteer, you may contact Dr. Elizabeth M. Hill, Chair, UDM Institutional Review Board, 313.578.0405 or
  7. Freedom To Withdraw Consent. If you consent to be a volunteer in this research project, you are free to withdraw your consent and discontinue participation at any time without prejudice to you.  Similarly, you should also understand that the investigator has the right to withdraw you from the research project at any time.  For example, if you do not fully complete all of the questionnaire, you may be withdrawn from the study.  Once you have begun the survey, you may withdraw by discontinuing or chose not to submit your results.
  8. Compensation. Participants will not be directly compensated.  However a donation of $0.50 per completed survey will be made to the American Red Cross, up to a total of $150.
  9. Future Data Use. Occasionally, the same or another researcher will request the permission to review or use previously gathered data from a completed research project for a different project.  All data collected will remain confidential and protected.  Any future studies requesting to utilize this data will be evaluated and need to receive approval by the UDM Institutional Review Board.
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