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St. Joseph Church Survey

Welcome to our St. Joseph Church Survey!

Your responses are very important to us as we move forward into the New Year.
The survey will only take a few minutes,
but we do encourage you to add comments because your feedback
is of great value.
Each member of your household is invited to complete a survey.

1. St. Joseph Church is described as "A Welcoming Roman Catholic Community of Faith."
2. St. Joseph Church is responsive to parishioner's needs.
3. I attend Mass
4. I attend Sunday Mass/Services at:
5. My faith in Jesus Christ is the light that guides my daily actions and decisions.
6. When I receive the Eucharist, I believe that I am receiving the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ.
7. It is important that St. Joseph Church will be there for me when I need it.
8. St. Joseph Church offers a good balance of programs and activities for everyone.
9. Masses and other liturgies at St. Joseph Church are engaging and spiritually uplifting.
10. Homilies (Sermons) at St. Joseph Church are relevant and meaningful to my life.
11. The music at St. Joseph Church helps to make the Mass more prayerful for me.
12. The selection of music at Mass encourages me to sing.
13. The content and selection of St. Joseph's Adult Faith Formation Programs encourage me to grow in my faith.
14. I would welcome the opportunity to participate in online courses which could be taken at home to strengthen my faith and spiritual growth.
15. I use the following to keep up with what's going on at St. Joseph's (you may select more than one)
16. Our community/social outreach initiatives make a positive impact in Brookfield and our surrounding communities.
17. St. Joseph Church offers me a variety of ministry/volunteer opportunities to share and grow in my faith.
21. Gender:
22. Age:
23. Years at St. Joseph Church
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