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Step Survey on Career Agents

Please take two minutes to answer a few questions about career agents.
1. Which services would you like from a career agent? *This question is required.
Space Cell Yes, I want this nowNot that important to meDon't want it, don't need it
Pre-screen any recruiter calls/emails that I get through LinkedIn or other site, so I don't have to spend my time responding to all of them
Ask recruiters all the questions I feel uncomfortable asking (salary, responsibilities, etc) so that I can have this information upfront
Work on my behalf to get me interviews with the startups I like, without me having to fill out an application
Keep me informed about what I'm worth and how my skills stack up to my peers/opportunities out there
Get me free tickets to tech events and developer conferences
2. How frequently are you contacted by recruiters for potential job opportunities? *This question is required.
3. Which best describes your job category? *This question is required.
4. Describe your job status: *This question is required.