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General SLC Application

Saddleback Leather Co. Application

We’re always looking for stellar people and if you fit that mold we want to know about you. Please fill out this general application and let us know what type of work you are interested in and what you are passionate about. We’ll send updates when new positions post and keep you in mind for future positions that line up with your experience and skills. All information you provide us is confidential and we will not use this information for any purpose other than making you aware of job openings and considering you for our job openings. Thank you in advance for taking the time to tell us about yourself.
You may multi-select
Copy and paste this link into a new tab to take the assessment -
11. What was your Core Values Index?
Fill in the first option with the first descriptor from the CVI assessment
Fill in the 2nd option with the 2nd descriptor from the CVI assessment
*This question is required.For example, if your results said: "Sue, the CVI assessment found you are a MERCHANT-INNOVATOR";
You would first choose Merchant and then choose Innovator in the choices below
Space Cell BuilderMerchantInnovatorBanker
1st Descriptor
2nd Descriptor
Please let us know how you got here - thanks!
15. Please attach your resume here: *This question is required.