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Cosmetology School Business Survey 2015 - Part 1


Welcome to the Cosmetology School Business Survey,

Please set aside 15 minutes to complete this first segment, which includes questions relating to General Business and Revenue Generation. Once we receive this back, you will receive a follow-up email within 48 hours, with five small survey segments. You may complete this second survey yourself or forward to your key staff members, which includes admissions, student salon/clinic, financial aid, marketing and technology questions. Each survey segment should take fewer than 15 minutes to complete.

Your responses are completely anonymous, and will be summarized into a report with many others. No personally identifiable information will be analyzed or shared with anyone inside Pivot Point, or with any third parties. Your name and email address are only needed to provide complimentary copies of the report.

Your completed survey makes you eligible for a complimentary ($250.00 value) copy of the complete Cosmetology School Business Report to be published later this spring.

Thank you for your participation!

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