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Student post event questionnaire IASUK M2015 - EVOLUTION ZONE

4. Please, tell us if you agree or disagree with the following senteces:
Space Cell agreeneither agree or disagreedisagree
All living things have evolved
Science and religion work together like friends
Science and religion disagree on so many things they can’t both be true.
I know of scientists who are working in evolutionary biology
I know enough about evolution to explain it to a friend
I think its important to learn about evolution
5. How does school make you feel about science? *This question is required.
6. Are you planning to choose a science subject at the next stage of your education? *This question is required.
7. Do you think jobs involving science are interesting? *This question is required.
8. When you finish your education, how likely are you to look for a job that uses your science knowledge and skills? *This question is required.
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