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PREPaRE Workshop Registration


The PREPaRE curriculum has been developed by the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) as part of NASP’s long-term leadership in supporting and developing school crisis prevention and response capabilities at the local level. PREPaRE is the only comprehensive curriculum developed by school-based professionals with firsthand experience and formal training. The curriculum builds on existing personnel, resources, and programs; provides for sustainability; and can be adapted to individual school needs and size.
PREPaRE Graphic: Prepare Logo, School Crisis Prevention and Intervention Training Curriculum, National Association of School Psychologists
PREPaRE Workshop #2: Crisis Intervention and Recovery:

The Roles of School-Based Mental Health Professionals (2nd Edition)

In this 2-day workshop school-based mental health professionals and other school crisis intervention team members are provided with the knowledge necessary to meet the mental health needs of students and staff following a school-associated crisis event. With updated research and crisis intervention strategies, this workshop teaches participants how to prevent and prepare for psychological trauma, helps to reaffirm both the physical health of members of the school community and students' perception that they are safe and secure, evaluates the degree of psychological trauma, respond to the psychological needs of members of the school community, and examines the effectiveness of school crisis intervention and recover efforts. This workshop is an excellent course for all mental health professionals in your district who provide mental health crisis intervention services.

Who Should Receive Workshop 2 Training?

PREPaRE Workshop 2 is appropriate for any individual filling the role of crisis intervention specialist. This includes school mental health staff (school psychologists, social workers, counselors and nurses), administrators, and other individuals whom the team has identified as appropriate providers of psychological first aid. Additionally, this workshop can be very helpful for community-based mental health practitioners who may work with the school crisis team and/or may be brought in to the school assist in response to a crisis.

1. Would you like to register for PREPaRE Workshop 2 Training?