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Feedback on IOM's National Action Conference on Policies and Payment Systems to Improve End-of-Life Care

1. Did you attend the conference in person or via webcast?
2. Please select the sector that best describes your area of work:
3. As a result of the conference, do you have a better understanding of the findings and recommendations of the Dying in America report?
4. As a result of the conference, do you have a better understanding of possible next steps in reforming end-of-life care policies and payment systems?
5. Did the conference inspire you to take action toward improving end-of-life care?
6. Did the conference provide an opportunity for you to network and form connections with others working in your field?
7. Did the conference inspire you to begin thinking about your own end-of-life care values, goals, and preferences?
8. Did you find the USB card containing the complete Dying in America report and related resources to be useful?
9. Which of the following additional activities or products related to the Dying in America report would you participate in or find useful? Select all that apply.