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2015 NTNC Travel Grant Application

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Travel Grants for the 2015 National TB Conference

Deadline for Submission: April 17, 2015

The National Tuberculosis Nurse Coalition (NTNC), an affiliate of the National TB Controllers Association (NTCA), is pleased to announce the availability of travel grants to the NTNC Annual Meeting on June 8, 2015 and the National TB Conference (NTC), June 9-11, 2015 in Atlanta, Georgia.

Purpose: The purpose of the NTNC travel grants is to provide financial support for nurses and nursing students who are interested in TB who otherwise would not be able to attend the NTNC Annual Meeting. This opportunity could generate enthusiasm and continued interest in the field and may provide a lifetime commitment to working in public health and TB.

Eligibility for the travel grant includes the following:
  • Status as an RN, LVN, or nursing student;
  • Currently working/studying in the U.S. or one of the U.S. territories;
  • A strong interest and preferably some experience in any aspect of TB and public health;
  • Completion of the 2015 NTNC Travel Grant Application; and
  • Submission of a letter (required) from their dean, department head, supervisor, indicating: support of the nurse's participation in the conference; permission to attend; statement explaining how attending the conference will benefit the individual and the program; statement that no other funding is available for the applicant's travel. Letter may be submitted separately but is also due by April 17, 2015.
Submission of an abstract for the 2015 National TB Conference is encouraged but not required. To learn more about submitting an abstract, go to
Travel Grant Specifics:
The travel grant provides reimbursement for expenses up to $800 to Atlanta for the NTNC annual meeting on June 8, 2015. In addition to these funds, the following is included:
  • Waived registration fee for the 2015 National TB Conference – $450 benefit
  • Complimentary one-year membership in the NTCA/NTNC -- $55 benefit
  • Opportunity to network and meet TB scholars, clinicians, nurses, and program staff

No funding is available for lodging or food expenses. Recipients will be reimbursed upon submission of a reimbursement request form and receipts for their travel expenses following the meeting.
Applications and letters of support are due no later than April 17, 2015. The application and letter of support should be submitted electronically using this form. The letter of support may be submitted separately by email to NTCA staff at

Applicants will be notified of their status no later than April 30, 2015.

Recipients who actually attend the NTNC annual meeting will be reimbursed for expenses, upon submission of a reimbursement request form and receipts for their travel expenses, no later than June 17, 2015.

Scoring Criteria:
Applications will be scored based on the following criteria. Travel grants will be awarded based solely on their score until the available funding is utilized.
  1. Currently working in, or recent experience working in, a public health program or research project relevant to US TB control: 0-4 points
  2. Strength of application, demonstrating interest in TB and public health and how attendance will advance work: 0-6 points
  3. Strength of letter of support: 0-4 points
  4. 2015 NTC Abstract Submission: 0-2 points
  5. Nursing license: 0-2 points
The total possible score ranges from 0 to 18 points.