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Race to the Top Project 8 RFP Round 3 Letter of Intent (LOI)




As an initial screening, districts must individually or collaboratively submit letters of intent (LOIs).  This will allow grant applicants the opportunity to first submit project proposals for feedback and possible revision, prior to writing their full proposals.  Submitting an LOI is required; districts may apply for P8 funds without submitting a letter of intent.  All applicants that submits an LOI will receive feedback regarding overall fit with the direction of the Investment Fund as well as potential areas of weakness in the proposed project. 


Letters of Intent to apply must be completed no later than 5PM on May 22, 2015.  Feedback will be offered by May 29.  Feedback will be provided to all individuals listed as contacts on the LOIs and the district's ELL and Equity leads.  LOIs will be posted on the RTT website.

To access a PDF version of this Letter of Intent form, please click the following link: LOI_P8_PDF_4_21.pdf
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