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Cyber Experiences

Welcome and information

Before you take part in this research, please could you spend a few minutes reading through this information so that you understand what is being asked of you and the purpose of the research.

The project is part of an ongoing research program being conducted by members of the Division of Psychology at Nottingham Trent University and is being conducted by Dr Lucy Betts and Sarah Gardner.

The purpose of the project is to examine experiences of cyber victimisation, cyber bullying behaviours, and wellbeing.  You will be asked to complete some questions on experiences of cyber bullying, cyber victimisation, your use of digital technology, and wellbeing.

Once you have read through this information, you will be asked to click on the ‘consent' button which will take you through to a set of questions to answer. There are 9 sections which will take approximately 15 to 20 minutes for you to complete.  Please just answer each question as you see fit, there are no right or wrong answers. If you do not wish to answer a question, please check the ‘Do not wish to answer’ option. If you wish to stop participating in the research at any point then please just navigate away from the page. This will mean that your data will be lost and it will not be submitted or recorded anywhere. If you want to withdraw from the study, you have the right to do so freely and without consequence.  

Your answers will only come through to the secure data store once you have pressed ‘submit’. All the answers you give will remain confidential at all times. The electronic storage of your data will be in password protected, secure software.  At no point in this study will you be asked for your name, that way your confidentiality and anonymity can be protected at all times. We will however ask you to enter a unique identifier so that if you change your mind after you press the ‘submit’ button we can identify the data which belongs to you in order to permanently delete it. In order to do this, just email using the contact details below, along with your unique identifier, (you will see these contact details again at the end of the questions) up to four weeks after today and say you want to remove your data from the study. Your data will be removed and permanently deleted. Doing this will not cause a problem. If you wish your data to be removed after four weeks then we will have completed the analysis and started to write up the work. That means that your data will still be included in academic outputs, but we will remove it for any other research dissemination after that.

Your data will not be used on its own in isolation; instead your data will be analysed alongside the data of all other respondents and only general trends and patterns will be reported and your confidentiality and anonymity will be protected at all times.

There are no foreseen negative consequences of taking part in this research. If you have any comments or complaints about the way in which this research has been carried out then please contact Dr Lucy Betts.  To contact Lucy please email or telephone: +44 115 848 5558.

Many thanks for taking part in the research,


I consent that I am over the age of 18

*This question is required.

 I consent that I understand the purpose of this research

*This question is required.

I consent for my data/answers to be used in public publications 

*This question is required.
If you have consented to all of the above, please click the 'next' button to continue with the survey.