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Bond Survey

Bond Survey Questions

The USD 109 School Board asks that their patrons take the following short survey to guide them as they study facility needs for the district.  Results from this survey will be used by the current facility team members while they advise the board on facility concerns.   Beyond this, these results will insure discussions are based on facts as we welcome two new board members in July.  This new board team will need such information as they make decisions that will impact student learning as well as facility needs.  A more comprehensive survey may be presented in the fall.  However, the information sought below is essential to the board as they address facility concerns.  We ask that you please take just a few minutes to give feedback for this survey.  
1. In 2012 I voted for the USD 109 school improvement bond: 
2. USD 109 is growing at an unexpected rate, therefore, overcrowding at East Elementary needs to be resolved.  Beyond that, there are major improvements that need to be made to the junior/senior high school (i.e. new roof, HVAC, possible storm shelter, etc.) Due to these needs my level of support for a school bond would be: 
3. I cannot support a bond election no matter due to the fact that a bond would raise taxes.