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Manager Recommendation Form

Manager Recommendation

The Sobeys & Empire Work Experience & Scholarship Program is designed to help employees achieve their academic goals and career aspirations. The awards are targeted at high-performing student employees with the potential and desire for long-term employment within the business in which they are employed.
Your employee is applying for a scholarship and your help in evaluating this individual’s work performance is of great importance in the scholarship selection process. We thank you in advance for your confidential and candid appraisal of this employee. In each of the following items, please check the phrase that most accurately describes the applicant's usual behavior with regard to that specific quality or trait.

The information entered on this site will be kept confidential and secure.
1. Leadership: How does this person direct and influence others? *This question is required.
2. Persistence: How well does this person follow through on tasks? *This question is required.
3. Responsibility/Trustworthiness: How responsible is this person? *This question is required.
4. Cooperation: How well does this person work with others in a group? *This question is required.
5. Willingness to improve: How does this person react to suggestions/criticism by others? *This question is required.
6. Employee Appraisal: How would you rate this employee's overall work performance? *This question is required.
7. Long term career fit: Please provide your overall perception of the employee as a prospect for a career with the organization by rating this person from one to ten below *This question is required.
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