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Personality and violent ideations 2

Participant Information

Participant Information

About the Research

 The purpose of this information is to provide you with sufficient information so that you can then give your informed consent. It is thus very important that you read this document carefully, and raise any issues that you do not understand with the researcher.

Name of Researchers:  Karen McKenzie, Aja Murray, Tom Booth

What is the purpose of the project?

The purpose of the project is to explore the personality characteristics that influence the tendency to experience violent thoughts and behaviour

Why have I been selected to take part and what are the exclusion criteria?

You have been selected to take part as you have expressed an interest in completing this study and you are an adult over the age of 18.

What will I have to do?

You will have been asked to complete this online survey, which will ask you questions about your personality and whether you have experienced any recent violent thoughts or engaged in any recent violent behaviour. We will also ask you to provide some demographic information, such as your gender, age, and whether you have even been diagnosed with any psychiatric disorders. The survey should take between 30 and 50 minutes to complete.

Will my participation involve any psychological discomfort or embarrassment?

There should be no psychological discomfort or embarrassment involved. You can choose not to complete any questionnaire items or task items and you can exit the survey at any time by closing your browser.

How do I receive feedback about the study?

If you would like feedback about the study once it is completed, please email Aja Murray at the email address given below.

How will confidentiality be assured and who will have access to the information that I provide?

There are a number of procedures implemented to ensure confidentiality of the participants. These include ensuring anonymity is maintained by asking you to provide a code that will be used to identify the data that is provided by you. We will not collect your name or any other identifying information (although please note that the survey may automatically collect your IP address). Your anonymous electronic information will be kept on a password protected computer.

Any information and data obtained from this research study will only be available to the research team. Should the research be presented or published in any form, then no personal data will be identifiable.

How can I withdraw from the project?

Should you have any concerns or queries about this study, please discuss these with the researcher. During the study if you wish to withdraw, please simply close your browser.  Upon completion of the study should you wish for your data to be withdrawn, contact the researcher using the details provided below, within a month of your participation, and provide her with your participant code.  After this date, it may not be possible to withdraw your individual data as the project may have been submitted. As all data is anonymous, your individual data will not be identifiable in any way.

If I require further information who should I contact and how?

For any further questions or queries associated with this study, please contact Aja Murray at:

If you have any concerns or worries concerning this research or if you wish to register a complaint, please direct it to the Department of Psychology Ethics Chair (Postgraduate) at the address below, or by Email:

The data collected in this study may be published in scientific journals or presented at conferences. Information and data gathered during this research study will only be available to those outlined above. Should the research be presented or published in any form, all data will be anonymous (i.e. your personal information or data will not be identifiable).

All information and data gathered during this research will be stored in line with the Data Protection Act. If the research is published in a scientific journal it will be kept for a period in accordance with journal guidelines before being destroyed. During that time the data may be used by members of the research team only for purposes appropriate to the research question, but at no point will your personal information or data be revealed. Insurance companies and employers will not be given any individual’s information, samples, or test results, and nor will we allow access to the police, security services, social services, relatives or lawyers, unless forced to do so by the courts.


This study and its protocol have received full ethical approval from the Department of Psychology Ethics Committee (Postgraduate) in accordance with the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences Ethics Committee. If you require confirmation of this please contact the Chair of this Committee, stating the title of the research project and the name of the researcher:

Dr Nick Neave

Chair of Department of Psychology Ethics Committee

Northumbria University

Newcastle upon Tyne


 Thank you very much for taking part.