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Whitewater Research

General Questions

Wake Forest School of Medicine is currently doing research on injuries and illnesses in the private whitewater paddling community. 

Following is a survey that should take no more than 10 minutes and each response aims to contribute to the safety of the sport!

Select EITHER option below (it doesn't matter which one) to get started with the survey.   Thank You!
2. What is your sex?
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6. What class boater are you? 
7. What length of river trips do you go on?Choose all that apply, then press the arrow in the bottom, right corner to continue.
8. What size paddling groups do you travel with?Choose all that apply, then press the arrow in the bottom, right corner to continue.
9. Do you designate a trip leader for each of your trips?
10. Do you designate someone to be the responsible medical provider for the trip?
11. Do YOU have any formal medical training? If so, mark your most advanced certification
12. Do you often paddle with GROUP MEMBERS who has formal medical training? If so, mark their most advanced certification
13. Does your group bring a medical kit on the river?
14. Is your medical kit:
15. How often do you check and re-stock your medical kit?
16. What do you carry in your medical kit?Choose all that apply. Then press the arrow in the bottom, right corner to continue.
17. Before putting in on a river, do you ask people in your group about their medical conditions and/or allergies?
18. If you paddle with someone that DOES have a major medical condition, do they carry the necessary medicine to treat it on the river?
19. If you are paddling with a novice (or you are a novice), do you ensure an experienced boater stays with the novice to keep an eye on them?
20. When refilling drinking water from the river/creeks, do you treat or purifiy it?
21. How do you treat/purify your water?Choose all that apply, then press the arrow in the bottom, right corner to continue.
22. When washing dishes, do you thoroughly wash them with a cleaning solution?Such as soap, bleach, etc.
You will be asked a couple brief questions for each time you were sick.
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