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2015 Volunteer Information Update

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Hello Everyone! Its that time of year! I need to go in and update my records with contact information, and what areas you would be interested in volunteering. Even if you have filled this out in the past, I would appreciate it if you would take just a short amount of time and do so again - that way in case I mistyped something in my records I can fix it!!

General Information

1. What is your name? *This question is required.
This question requires a valid number format.
5. What is your mailing address? (Only to be used for things like Invitations to Volunteer Appreciation Events, and NEVER for soliciting donations. If that ever happens notify me, and I will get it fixed ASAP!) *This question is required.
7. Best way to reach you:

Areas of Interest

8. Where would you potentially like to volunteer?
Space Cell Check all that apply
After School Tutoring
Angel Tree
Homeless Outreach - Soup Wagon on Friday Nights
Red Kettle Bell Ringing
Food Pantry Assistance
Summer Day Camp Volunteer
Serving Dinner in Transitional Housing
Office Work
Thank you Calls to Donors
GED Tutor/Mentor
ESL Teacher
Youth Music Instructor
Special Events (ex. 4th of July 5k/10k race, Memorial Day Event, Gathering of Angels, etc.)
Assist People with Job Search
Disaster Response
Holiday Meal Service
Bible School Teacher
Serving on our Board of Directors
Serving on a Committee (ex. Marketing, Development, Programs, etc.)
Serving in our Women's Auxiliary Group

Other Important Stuff!!!!

10. What type of "Thank You" would you like best for volunteering with us? (Please rate each item based on what you would like vs. what you wouldn't like at all) *This question is required.
Space Cell Column 1
A Thank You Banquet *This question is required
A Thank You Breakfast *This question is required
A Gift (T-shirt, Lanyard, etc.) *This question is required
Tickets to an Event (ex. Sounds Game) *This question is required
A Thank You Note *This question is required
Recognition in our Newsletter *This question is required
11. Would you be interested in attending a Talk and Tour luncheon to learn even more about The Salvation Army? We host them the 3rd Thursday of every month and they take an hour to an hour and a half - food is of course provided.