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Social factors influencing pull request acceptance decisions from pull request submitters' perspective

Thank you for taking this survey. This survey is part of a broad research study at IIIT Delhi. All responses are confidential and anonymous and will be reported only in aggregated form.

1. Please select your appropriate age level
2. Please state your gender
4. Who do you work for?
5. Which of the following best describes your role in GitHub?
6. How many years have you been programming?

How many years have you worked on projects that are developed in a geographically distributed manner?

8. How many years have you been working on open source projects?
Factors Influencing Results
9. Please rate the importance that the following factors play in the DECISION TO ACCEPT OR REJECT a pull request. *This question is required.
Space Cell Very importantImportantModerately importantOf little importanceUnimportantI don\'t know
Pull requester track record
Popularity of pull requester
Worked together in past
Project membership of pull requester
Number of lines changed
Existence of tests in the pull request
Pull requester gender
Pull requester nationality
11. Did you experience bias based on your nationality in getting your pull requests accepted? *This question is required.
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