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Doctor of Ministry (DMin) Progress Report


Greetings DMin student,

This progress will requests a one-page summary of your progress at least two weeks before the Continuing Seminar (DM-6021) meets during January Intersession. 

There is no Save & Return function for this form. 
We recommend that you (1) copy these guidelines, (2) cancel this form, (3) create a report in another app, and (4) open a new form to copy/paste your document into the Report field. 

The Progress Report Summary should follow these general guidelines:
  • What progress have you made this past year on your DMin Project?
  • What are the main things you learned this past year? Please describe your professional development accomplishments and activities.
  • What were some problems you encountered and how have your plans changed?
  • List any published papers, projects with outside organizations, ministerial work, or teaching you did in the past year
  • Is there anything else you would like to report?