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Milk SA/MPO Mastitis Treatment and Prevention Survey


1. Owner & Dairy Information
(Questions with an asterix require an answer)
This question requires a valid email address.
Are you able to complete the survey at this time? *This question is required.
I am voluntarily participating in this survey, providing information to the best of my knowledge for the purpose of improving mastitis treatment and control.
Would you be willing for us to visit your dairy and assist you with collecting data and completing your form?
I hereby authorize Milk SA, the MPO and the researchers to use this data, without revealing my identity, for research, education and publication purposes.
4. Given the same level of profit, what is your management style?
What is the approximate percentage of management input that the part owner has?
6. Besides the dairy, do you participate in other income generating activities?
What is the time commitment set aside for these activities?
Space Cell Time CommitedComment
Other dairy/dairies (hours/day)
Crop farming (weeks/year)
Other farm animal enterprise e.g. beef cattle, sheep, poultry, horses etc. (hours/day)
Off farm activity (hours/day)
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